ACEIR at the EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalities final conference, 22 – 25 March 2021

ACEIR’s establishment was supported by an initial start-up grant from the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) as part of the Research Facility on Inequality funded by the European Union.
The Centre's work is part of 23 research projects of the Facility that focused primarily on vertical inequalities while exploring themes such as health, education, taxation, and access to essential services. This conference is an opportunity to share the results of the Facility’s studies; and for partner researchers, academic experts and political decisionmakers to debate the findings and discuss implementation of policies that can contribute to the reduction of inequalities.
With progress in inequality reduction being reversed in many countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic impacts, the closing conference of the Research Facility on Inequalities is particularly timely.
ACEIR’s work will feature on Tuesday, 23 March 2021, at two conference sessions:
11:00 – 13:00 CAT: African Inequalities
ACEIR director, Prof. Murray Leibbrandt (University of Cape Town), and ACEIR node conveners, Prof. Robert Darko Osei (University of Ghana), Prof. Damiano Manda (University of Ghana), and Prof. Vimal Ranchhod (University of Cape Town)
The aim of this session is to discuss inequality in Africa, building on the results of three ACEIR studies conducted in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. The discussion will be an opportunity to present an overview of inequalities in Africa and to review specific topics tackled in these research projects, such as fiscal policy, vulnerability and inequality of opportunity.
16:00 – 18:20 CAT: Tools
Including ACEIR director, Prof. Murray Leibbrandt (University of Cape Town)
This session is an opportunity to present the various tools developed or expanded through the Research Facility on Inequalities. These tools, ranging from inequality diagnostics to fiscal incidence assessments and distributional analysis of development cooperation projects, offer options for policymakers and development practitioners to mainstream and tackle inequalities efficiently in their policies and strategies. ACEIR’s inequality diagnostics, published since 2019, are among the tools that will be discussed.
The high-level opening and closing panel discussions include dignitaries from the European Union, the AFD and eminent scholars such as Thomas Piketty of the World Inequality Lab, Paris School of Economics.
Online attendance is free: visit conference website to register.