Bulletin no. 18, December 2024

  • ACEIR’s director received two significant accolades in recognition of his contributions to poverty and inequality research and scholarship.
  • A new publication that provides multidimensional perspectives and discusses future challenges for sub-Saharan African inequalities has been completed and will be launched early in the new year.

Also read about the publication of several ACEIR studies in journals; seminars hosted in the last quarter of the year; and other 2024 highlights. Read more


Bulletin no. 17, August 2024

  • ACEIR to set up a new collaborative and interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Development Studies with key partners.
  • The official launch of the Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Inequalities, Poverty, and Deprivation (CoRE IPD).
  • Reflections on the CoRE IPD’s first summer school in Nairobi, Kenya. 
  • ACEIR's hub hosted the African campus of the Wealth Data Science Summer/Winter School. 

Also read about a capacity building collaboration between ACEIR Ghana researchers, Oxfam and the World Bank on using a new microsimulation tool that evaluates the impact of social policies on inequality and poverty; news about the two new inequality reports for Mozambique and Namibia, respectively; a series of working papers by the Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action Project; and a new study on African countries’ progress to translate the Maputo Protocol on Women’s Rights into national legislation. Read more


Bulletin no. 16, March 2024

  • The ACEIR Kenya node at the University of Nairobi is the host of the first school of the new Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Inequalities, Poverty, and Deprivation in July 2024.
  • Our hub at the University of Cape Town is the African partner in this year’s School in Computational Social Science and Data Science of the University of Bremen and other partners. This school focuses on wealth data science.

Also read about a new publications and recent events, including an international conference on social responses to climate change in unequal societies that ACEIR co-hosted as part of the TSITICA project with the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Climate and Development. Read more


Bulletin no. 15, December 2023

  • A successful international conference on inequality, work, and nature in partnership with the AFD, the EU, and the South African Presidency
  • Planning for the roll-out of the new Cluster of Research Excellence in Inequality, Poverty, and Deprivation
  • New policy brief for a Oxfam in Ghana advocacy project on leveraging fiscal policy to reduce inequality in that country

Also read about a new project on the consequences of educational expansion in Ghana; facilitating an early career workshop on using panel data for poverty and inequality analyses; and two new additions to the ACEIR working papers series. Read more


Bulletin no. 14, September 2023

  • Registration is open for the conference on “Inequality, Work, and Nature: Strategic Dilemmas & Policy Resolution” and side events
  • ACEIR Ghana has facilitated an Oxfam capacity building workshop on measuring the redistributive impact of fiscal policy
  • ACEIR will co-host the 2024 School in Computational Social Science and Data Science with the University of Bremen

You can also read about our presentation on climate vulnerability studies at the global Science Summit 2023 during the UNGA79; the South Africa node’s session at the South African Economics Society; a new ACEIR working paper and other new publications by ACEIR researchers. Read more


Bulletin no. 13, June 2023

  • Setting up an Africa–Europe cluster of research excellence
  • New research on politicians, policies, and the reproduction of wealth
  • Hosting International Association for Feminist Economics annual conference
  • Kenya node co-hosts Kenya jobs and inclusive growth forum with The World Bank and discussion on the Global Food Policy Report 2023

We invite readers to save the date for the inaugural conference on inequality, work, and nature – a collaboration between the South African Presidency, the EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalities, and ACEIR's hub at the University of Cape Town. Read more


Bulletin no. 12, March 2023

  • Hosting an international symposium on climate change, sustainable livelihoods, and multidimensional poverty and inequality
  • The 13 ARUA centres of excellence meet up to take stock and strategise
  • A senior World Bank official’s visits our team at the University of Nairobi
  • Hosting Adam Tooze and other high-profile intellectuals for public talks
  • New online course materials on advanced poverty research methods

And, the third in a series of reflections on our growing partnerships and collaborations focuses on the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) as ACEIR researchers contribute to a forthcoming AFD–World Bank book on inequality in Africa; and with new inequality diagnostics underway. Read more


Bulletin no. 11, December 2022

  • Call for papers, posters, and panel sessions for the 2023 conference of the International Association For Feminist Economics
  • ACEIR presents at several development research conferences
  • Exhibiting our work at the World Science Forum 2022
  • A short video that introduces ACEIR and some members of the team
  • A new research collaboration with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)


The last news bulletin of 2022 brings our readers the second in a series of reflections on valued partnerships and how we are strengthening these as ACEIR’s research strategy for the next five years is finalised. We focus on the LSE and in particular a new research collaboration with the School's International Inequalities Institute that will commence in 2023. Read more


Bulletin no. 10, October 2022

  • ACEIR at forthcoming UNU-WIDER conference
  • Inequality diagnostics training for Mali team
  • Data capacity building
  • Partnering with the University of Bristol

We focus on a series of capacity building workshops recently hosted for and by members of our teams. These would not have been possible without the collaboration of key ACEIR partners – DataFirst; the Bristol Poverty Institute, University of Bristol; and the Agence Française de Développement. Given the importance of such partnerships, we bring you the first in a series of reflections on these valued relationships and how we hope to strengthen them as ACEIR moves towards consolidating its research programme after a successful start-up phase. In this bulletin we focus on the University of Bristol and, by extension, the Bristol Poverty Institute under the leadership of Prof David Gordon. Read more


Bulletin no. 9, part 1, July 2022

  • Two more inequality trends diagnostics – for Mali and Mozambique – have commenced.
  • The Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action (TSITICA) project is nearing completion.
  • ACEIR’s recent strategic planning workshop.

We are pleased to share with you a bumper edition of news about our work and those of our researchers located in different African countries. Split in two parts, the newsletter bears evidence that 2022 has been a very busy year so far for those in our teams, and we hope you can join us in celebrating our collective and the individuals' achievements captured here. Read more


Bulletin no. 9, part 2, July 2022

  • The first published working paper of the Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action (TSITICA) project.
  • New publications by ACEIR researchers.
  • Our team members' footprints at academic conferences, seminars, and other public dialogues.

Part 2 of our bumper mid-year newsletter. Read more


Bulletin no. 8, December 2021

  • ACEIR’s contributions to ARUA's third biennial conference held in November.
  • The launch of the Ghana node’s new data hub for West Africa.
  • A recent online course on advanced poverty research methods.
  • The outcome of the COP26 in the spotlight at a TSITICA webinar.

As we approach the end of the year, the ACEIR team is reflecting with gratitude and a good sense of satisfaction on our work and achievements in 2021. First, we are thankful that our teams in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa have remained free from fatalities due to the coronavirus outbreak that continues to ravage populations around the globe. Second, we celebrate the Centre’s milestones reached this year and share news of a flurry of activities in the months of November and December. Read more


Bulletin no. 7, October 2021

  • Contributions to the recent SDGs Africa Summit 2021
  • Release of ACEIR's third inequality diagnostics for African countries
  • A youth-focused dialogue to feed into the Africa-France Summit 2021
  • A new ACEIR working paper on spatial inequality in sub-Saharan Africa


As we enter the last quarter of 2021, the news in this bulletin point to several exciting developments for ACEIR. First, that our work and engagements with research, government, and other partners are beginning to return to a form of “normal” following the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, a growing recognition of the value and contributions of the Centre, its researchers and network towards tackling one of the world’s biggest challenges: unsustainable inequalities, which are now worsened by an observed increase in extreme poverty and a slowdown in economic growth globally, but especially in Africa. Lastly, this news bulletin tells of the ongoing expansion of the ACEIR team and different ways in which our researchers and their work are getting recognised. Read more


Bulletin no. 6, May 2021

  • African inequalities at a conference of the European Union and the Agence Française de Développement;
  • Debating historical inequalities and economic transformation in South Africa in partnership with the French embassy in South Africa;
  • Africa Day webinar on recent trends and patterns in spatial and national inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa; and
  • A new working paper and other publications by ACEIR researchers.

This month marked ACEIR’s third year since it was established as one of the centres of excellence of the African Research Universities Alliance aimed at improving the quality and quantity of African research and enhancing the voice of Africans in global debates. This news bulletin reflects the strides that ACEIR is making in advancing this goal. Read more


Bulletin no. 5, December 2020

  • New inequality trends reports - for Ghana and Kenya;
  • Six new working papers that span Ghana, Kenya and South Africa;
  • A new, innovative project on the climate action-poverty-inequality nexus; and
  • A ream of webinars to share knowledge that emerge from our research.

In spite of the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic across the globe in 2020, our team remained committed and worked hard to complete an impressive range of research outputs. Read more


Bulletin no. 4, May 2020

  • Data scholarship capacity building in partnership with DataFirst;
  • Discussing South Africa’s first comprehensive report on inequality with stakeholders from different sectors; and
  • Forthcoming series of ACEIR working papers on inequalities in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa.

In this bulletin, we report the start of a critical component of ACEIR’s work: data scholarship capacity building in partnership with DataFirst, Africa’s only data platform that is internationally certified as a trusted repository. In this quarter of 2020, the findings from South Africa’s first comprehensive report on inequality was taken further for discussion with stakeholders from different sectors. A series of forthcoming ACEIR working papers on inequalities in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa are also announced. Read more


Bulletin no. 3, December 2019

  • The release of ACEIR's first report on inequality trends for each node country;
  • A seminar series on the Sustainable Development Goals hosted by the South African node.

2019 was a busy year for the ACEIR team as some of the work started in 2018 came to fruition. This bulletin reflects on some of the highlights, including the release of ACEIR’s first report on inequality trends for each node country – in this case, for South Africa – as well as a seminar series on the Sustainable Development Goals hosted by the South African node in partnership with UCT’s Poverty & Inequality Initiative. Read more


Bulletin no. 2, July 2019

  • A handbook on inequality measurement for country studies was developed to assist ACEIR researchers with textured analyses of inequality in their respective countries.

In 2018, the country nodes – Ghana, Kenya and South Africa – and affiliate scholars in Côte d’Ivoire embarked on textured analyses of inequality in their respective countries. To build capacity for this undertaking, a Handbook on Inequality Measurement for Country Studies was developed by researchers at the University of Cape Town, where ACEIR’s hub and the South African node are located. Read more


Bulletin no. 1, June 2019

  • An introduction to the centre’s hub-and-spoke model;
  • Plans to support ACEIR partners and its network with data capacity development; and
  • ACEIR is one of the 13 ARUA Centres who were invited to submit funding proposals to UK Research and Innovation.

The first ACEIR newsletter introduces the centre’s hub-and-spoke model and explains plans to support ACEIR partners and its network with data capacity development, including creating their own data hubs.  In another development, ACEIR is one of the 13 ARUA Centres who were invited to submit multi-million pound funding proposals to support capacity building and partnerships as part of ARUA’s partnership with the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Read more
