The Centre’s university partners are members of the African Research Universities Alliance. The ACEIR hub is located at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, which also hosts the Southern Africa node. The Eastern Africa and Western Africa nodes are hosted by the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and the University of Ghana, Legon, respectively.
These nodes connect the Centre to their broad networks, including their own countries’ statistical agencies. DataFirst, based at UCT, plays a central role in the Centre’s data preparation, harmonisation and training activities across the three nodes.
The Centre’s establishment was supported by an initial start-up grant from the Agence Française de Développement as part of the Research Facility on Inequality funded by the European Union; as well as by awards from ARUA and each partner university.
The support of the African Research Universities Alliance and UK Research and Innovation for the TSITICA project is gratefully acknowledge.
The arial photographs on this website are used with permission from Johnny Miller, from his Unequal Scenes project. We are grateful to him for the permission to use these groundbreaking and inspiring drone-captured images from different African settings in ACEIR communication to remind ourselves of the lived realities of inequality on the continent.