The publications listed here are the results of collaborations between researchers from different ACEIR country nodes and sometimes in collaboration with researchers from ACEIR partner organisations such as national statistical offices.
Stakeholder engagement on inequality trends in South Africa – a multidimensional diagnostic of inequality
Summary of the stakeholder event on inequality in South Africa, 11 February 2020, Philippi, Cape Town

This summary relates to the publication of the report Inequality Trends in South Africa – A multidimensional diagnostic of inequality and captures the information presented and the discussions at a stakeholder engagement hosted by ACEIR in February 2020. The event sought to present high-level research findings from the multidimensional diagnostic report; and invited stakeholder engagement to map out a way forward. The event was held in partnership with Statistics South Africa; the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town; the Agence Française de Développement, and the European Union Research Facility on Inequalities. Read more