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Growth, poverty, and inequality Drivers of inequality Social mobility and inequality Climate change and inequality

In the news | New book on African inequalities challenges policy makers
A new book in the African Development Forum series of the World Bank and French Development Agency calls for progressive policies that can reduce inequalities in Africa to speed up poverty reduction and economic growth on the continent.
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Workshop to consult on inequality in the Namibian labour market
An ACEIR team presented findings from a new inequality diagnostic report to key government, business, trade union and civil society stakeholders at a consultative workshop co-hosted with the International Labour Organization in Windhoek.
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Now online | New book on inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa
'Inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multidimensional Perspectives and Future Challenges' draws on ACEIR research. It is the 15th title in the Africa Development Forum series of the Agence Française de Développement and the World Bank.
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“We roll up our sleeves and we do our work for a better country”
The contributions to poverty and inequality scholarship by ACEIR’s director, Prof. Murray Leibbrandt, were recognised in two significant ways this year: an honorary PhD, and election to the Council of South Africa's science academy.
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