This page lists selected recent journal articles on African poverty and inequalities by individual members of the ACEIR research teams.
Lambon-Quayefio, M., Merven, B., Hughes, A., Hartley, F., & Osei, R.D. 2025. Estimating the distributive impacts of climate mitigation policies in the power sector in Ghana. Energy for Sustainable Development, 84, 101589.
Ogwang T., & Mwabu G. 2024. Adaptation of the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measures for the measurement of catastrophic health expenditures. Health Economics, 33(10), 2419–2436.
Kofinti, R.E., Manda, D.K., Oleche, M.O., & Mwabu, G. 2024. The nexus between consumption inequality and multidimensional poverty in Ghana. Social Indicators Research, 2024.
Kofinti, R.E., Manda, D.K., Oleche, M.O., & Mwabu, G. 2024. Consumption inequality and multidimensional child poverty in Ghana: Does access to communal services matter? Child Indicators Research, 2024.
Andrés Díaz Pabón, F., Shifa, M., Ranchhod, V., & Machemedze, T. 2024. Climate change-related shocks, assets and welfare outcomes in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, January 2024.
Senou, M.M., & Houensou, D.A. 2024. From expanding financial services to tackling poverty in West African Economic and Monetary Union: The accelerating role of mobile money. Journal of International Development.
Whitelaw, E., & Branson, N. 2024. What goes up must come down? The effect of ‘2020’on university students' academic performance trajectories. South African Journal of Economics, 1-26.
Branson, N., & Whitelaw, E. 2023. South African student retention during 2020: Evidence from system-wide higher education institutional data. South African Journal of Economics, 1–22.
Ichwara, J.M., Kiriti-Ng’ang’a, T.W., & Wambugu, A. 2023. Changes in gender differences in household poverty in Kenya. Cogent Economics & Finance, 11(1), 2191455.
Ouma, S., Vogt-Williams, C., Obeng-Odoom, F., Oduro, A. D., Lewis, T.J., Pheko, L. L., Stevano, S., & Kvangraven, I. 2023. Reconfiguring African Studies, reconfiguring economics: centring intersectionality and social stratification. Critical African Studies, 15(3).
Turkson, F.E., Oduro, A.D., Baffour, P., & Quartey, P. 2023. Regional integration and non-tariff barriers to intra-sub-Saharan Africa trade. The World Economy, 26(2): 396-414.
Whitelaw E., Branson N., & Leibbrandt M. (2023). A dynamic perspective on profiling financial-aid eligibility: The case of South Africa. Journal of Social Policy, 1-25.
Adeola, O.O., & Aziakpono, M.J. 2022. Unlocking the relationship between capital flows and economic growth in a small open economy of Kenya: An empirical investigation. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10:1.
Atta-Ankomah, R. 2022. Welfare effects of financial inclusion services in Ghana: A comparative analysis of mobile money and other financial services. Global Social Welfare, August 2022.
Atta-Ankomah, R. 2022. Credit for households in Ghana: Has mobile money (momo) improved inclusive access?. Scientific African, 16: e01230.
Banerjee, A., Karlan, D., Osei, R., Trachtman, H., & Udry, C. 2022. Unpacking a multi-faceted program to build sustainable income for the very poor. Journal of Development Economics, 155: 102781.
Clementi, F., Fabiani, M., Molini, V. & Zizzamia, R. 2022. Are we really painting the devil on the walls? Polarization and its drivers in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past two decades. Journal of African Economies, 31(2), March 2022: 124-146.
Espi-Sanchis, G., Leibbrandt, M., & Ranchhod, V. 2022. Age, employment and labour force participation outcomes in COVID-era South Africa. Development Southern Africa.
Kiplagat, I.J., Mugo, M.G., & Oleche, M.O. 2022. Effect of synergy between provider and consumer quality of healthcare on child health in Kenya. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1): 2052401.
Mwabu, G. 2022. Time, health service utilisation and health status in Africa: Evidence from six countries. South African Journal of Economics, 1-13.
Owoo, N.S. 2022. Couple’s decision-making power, women’s labour market outcomes, and asset ownership. Population Research and Policy Review, July 2022.
Owoo, N.S., Lambon-Quayefio, M.P., Gyan, S.E., & Oduro, A.D. 2022. Women's earnings and domestic work among couples in Ghana. African Review of Economics and Finance, 14(1), 1 June 2022.
Owoo, N.S., & Osei, R.D. 2022. Exploring the dynamics of inter-household consumption inequality in Ghana. Journal of African Development, 23(1), 87-111.
Rennkamp, R., Leibbrandt, M., & David, A. 2022. Navigating a Just Transition to net zero emissions. Africa in Fact, 60: 41-43.
Schotte, S., Zizzamia, R., & Leibbrandt, M. 2022. Snakes and ladders and loaded dice: Poverty dynamics and inequality in South Africa between 2008 and 2017. South African Journal of Economics, 90( 2), 214-242.
Shifa, M. & Leibbrandt, M. 2022. Spatial inequality in sub-Saharan Africa. African Geographical Review.
Shifa, M., Gordon, D., Leibbrandt, M., & Zhang, M., 2022. Socioeconomic-related inequalities in COVID-19 vulnerability in South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17): 10480.
Thornton, A. & Wittenberg, M. 2022. Reweighting the OHS and GHS to improve data quality: Representativeness, household counts, and small households. South African Journal of Economics, 1- 22.
Thornton, A.J., Bhorat, H. Lilenstein, A., Monnakgotla, J., & van der Zee, K. 2022. Crime, income and inequality: non-linearities under extreme inequality in South Africa. Economic Development and Cultural Change, February 2022.
Andrés Diaz Pabón, F., Leibbrandt, M., Ranchhod, V., & Savage, M. 2021. Piketty comes to South Africa. British Journal of Sociology. 2021;72:106-124.