The Institute for Economic Justice and the International Development Economics Associates, alongside the IAFFE conference organisers and hosts, are giving a reception for conference participants.

The reception, which is also open to non-conference attendees, will include a panel discussion on feminist economics, debt, structural adjustment and the climate crisis. 

The panel will delve into the critical issues surrounding the current debt crisis and its intersections with climate change. The event acknowledges the significant contributions of feminist macroeconomic analysis in uncovering the gendered repercussions of structural adjustment programmes during the 1980s and 1990s; and in shedding light on the multifaceted consequences of austerity measures on work, livelihoods, care, resource accessibility, household dynamics, and social reproduction.

With the Global South currently standing on the precipice of another debt crisis, marked by the imposition of new waves of structural adjustment, the event aims to provide a feminist lens to comprehensively understand the intricate relationships between austerity, privatisation, marketisation, and financialisation, both in production and social reproduction domains.

The panellists are:

  • Indian development economist, Prof. Jayati Ghosh (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Associate Professor of Finance, Vera Fiador (University of Ghana Business School)
  • Climate, Energy and Infrastructure Programme Lead, Dr. Basani Baloyi (Institute for Economic Justice)

The panel will be chaired by Professor of Human Geography, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura (University of Gothenburg).

Register to attend online.

In-person participants do not need to register.

Flyer of event with speaker details and logos
Click on the image to enlarge.