The Commitment to Equity Institute (CEQI) describes its CEQ assessment as “the first comprehensive analysis of how taxes and social spending (including indirect subsidies and taxes, and education and health expenditures) affect income inequality and poverty in a country. The assessments are comparable across countries and over time. The country-level studies examine the distributional effects of individual programs and policy measures – and the net effect of each country's mix of policies and programs.” 

“The results will give policy makers, multilateral institutions, and nongovernmental groups the data and analysis necessary to determine what changes in tax and spending policies will lead to greater equality and poverty reduction." 

The ACEIR studies, for Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa respectively, were published in working papers and a policy brief. Subsequent engagements on the findings and the CEQI methodology were held in partnership with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, and Oxfam in Ghana respectively.



South Africa