This page lists selected recent working, discussion, and conference papers on African poverty and inequalities by individual members of the ACEIR research teams.
Hartley, F., & Gabriel, S. 2024. Distributional impacts of global food price shocks in South Africa: Case of Russian–Ukraine conflict. WIDER Working Paper 2024/81. UNU-WIDER.
Jacobs, C., Ebrahim, A., Leibbrandt, M., Pirttilä, J., & Piek, M. 2024. Income inequality in South Africa: Evidence from individual-level administrative tax data. WIDER Working Paper 2024/55. UNU-WIDER.
Davidson, K., De Lannoy, A., Grotte, J., Jana, A., David, A., & Leibbrandt, M. 2024. An analytical framework to assess green transition jobs in South Africa. SALDRU Working Paper 309. University of Cape Town.
Kamundia, S.W., & Leibbrandt, M. 2024. Multidimensional poverty and spatial-temporal distributions in Kenya. 2024 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society, Cote d’Ivoire.
Leibbrandt, M. 2024. Inequality and poverty through the prism of a COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa. Bristol Poverty Institute Conference 2024, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Owoo, N.S. 2024. Spatial and regression analyses of climate shocks and household food insecurity in Ghana. Bristol Poverty Institute Conference 2024, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Osei, R.D. 2024. Measuring what we mean: New approaches to resilience measurement & evaluation. Evidence to Action Conference 2024, University of Ghana, Ghana.
Leibbrandt, M., & Osei, R.D. 2024. Inequality research in Africa: New insights. Groningen Growth and Development Centre 2024 Conference, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Oduro, A.D., & Andrés Díaz Pabón, F. 2024. Two decades of the Maputo Protocol: An assessment of progress made in its implementation. International Association For Feminist Economics 2024 conference, Italy.
Andrés Díaz Pabón, F. 2023. The importance of time on income and wealth inequalities. 20th World Congress of the International Economic Association, 11 – 15 December 2023, Medellín, Colombia.
Andrés Díaz Pabón, F., & Shifa, M. 2023. Development, inequalities, and conflict: The case of Ethiopia. Paper presented at the 2023 Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 12 – 14 September 2023.
Andrés Díaz Pabón, F., & Shifa, M., Ranchhod, V., & Machemedze, T. 2023. Assets, climate change shocks, and wellbeing in South Africa. Paper presented at the 2023 Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 12 – 14 September 2023.
Andrés Díaz Pabón, F., Shifa, M., Ranchhod, V., Oduro, A., Manda, D.K., Danso-Mensah, K., Leibbrandt, M., & Mwabu, G. 2023. Climate change-related shocks, resilience, and welfare outcomes: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. Paper presented at the Inequality, Work, and Nature Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 8 – 9 November 2023.
Atta-Ankomah, R., Lambon-Quayefio, M.P., & Osei, R.D. 2023. Differences in inequality measurement: Ghana case study. WIDER Working Paper no. 2023/91. UNU-WIDER.
Bassier, I., Budlender, J., & Leibbrandt, L. 2023. Stimulus effects of public social programmes. Paper presented at the 2023 Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 12 – 14 September 2023.
Branson, N., Hjellbrekke, J., Leibbrandt, M., Ranchhod, V., Savage, M., & Whitelaw, E. 2023. The socio-economic dimensions of racial inequality in South Africa: A social space perspective. Paper presented at the 2023 Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 12 – 14 September 2023.
Branson, N., Ranchhod, V., & Whitelaw, E. 2023. South African student retention during 2020: Evidence from system wide higher education institutional data. SALDRU Working Paper no. 300. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town. Paper presented at the 2023 Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 12 – 14 September 2023.
Branson, N., Ranchhod, V., & Whitelaw, E. 2023. What can we understand about learning losses in 2020 from university application and enrolment data? SALDRU Working Paper no. 301. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
Danso-Mensah, K., Atta-Ankomah, R., Osei, R.D., & Osei-Akoto, I. 2023. Fiscal interventions and welfare in Ghana: A CEQ assessment using Ghana Living Standards Survey. Paper presented at the 11th Pan-African conference on illicit financial flows and taxation, Accra, Ghana, 22 – 24 November 2023.
Jana, A. 2023. Spatial inequalities in the city. Differential experiences and impacts of climate change. Paper presented at the Inequality, Work, and Nature Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 8 – 9 November 2023.
Manda, D., Kipruto, S., Oleche, M., Wambugu, A., Samoei, P., & Mwabu, G. (2023). Profiling multidimensional vulnerability to climate change impacts in Kenya. Paper presented at the Inequality, Work, and Nature Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 8 – 9 November 2023.
Merven, B., Hartley, F., Hughes, A., Marquard, A., & Ranchhod, V. 2023. Estimating the economy-wide and redistributive impacts of mitigation in South Africa. Paper presented at the 2023 Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 12 – 14 September 2023.
Kamundia, S. 2023. Spatial dependence and spatial non-stationarity in the factors explaining utilisation of maternal health care in Kenya. Paper presented to the 2023 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society of African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, 1 – 3 June 2023.
Manda, D.K., Mwabu, G., Oleche, M., & Muriithi, M.K. 2023. Understanding inequality and its evolution in Kenya: The contribution of the UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database initiative. WIDER Working Paper no. 2023/109. UNU-WIDER.
Shifa, M. 2023. Analytical questions of equity and inequality. Paper presented at the Presidential Climate Commission's South African Modelling Community of Practice Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 16 October 2023.
Shifa, M., Leibbrandt, M., Gordon, D., Osei, R.D., Owoo, N.S., & Oduro, A.D. 2023. Profiling multidimensional vulnerability to climate change impacts in South Africa and Ghana. Paper presented at the Inequality, Work, and Nature Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 8 – 9 November 2023.
Shifa, M., Mabhena, R., Ranchhod, V., & Leibbrandt, M. 2023. An assessment of inequality estimates for the case of South Africa. WIDER Working Paper no. 2023/90. UNU-WIDER.
Thornton, A. 2023. Trends in household headship and living alone in South Africa, 1995-2011. SALDRU Working Paper no. 293. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
Thornton, A. 2023. Household formation, living alone, and not getting married in South Africa. SALDRU Working Paper no. 295. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
Karlan, D., Lowe, M. Osei, R.D., Osei-Akoto, I., Roth, B.N., & Udry, C.R. 2022. Social protection and social distancing during the pandemic: Mobile money transfers in Ghana. Working Paper no. 30309, July 2022. National Bureau of Economic Research.
Mosomi, J. & Thornton, A. 2022. Physical proximity and occupational employment change by gender during the COVID-19 pandemic. WIDER Working Paper 2022/90. UNU-WIDER.
Whitelaw, E., Branson, N., & Leibbrandt, M. 2022. Learning in lockdown: University students’ academic performance during COVID-19 closures. SALDRU Working Paper no. 289. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town.