WIDER Development Conference on the "great challenge of our time"

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Photo by Johnny Miller, Unequal Scenes, https://unequalscenes.com/. Used with permission.
The second WIDER Development Conference of 2022 addresses what the organisers call “a global goal of critical importance”: the Sustainable Development Goal to reduce inequalities. The event provides a forum to discuss innovative, theoretical, and empirical research on inequality and the relevance for policies. The programme addresses major themes in inequality across keynote lectures, parallel sessions, and a policy dialogue event.
Placing African inequalities firmly on the conference agenda is a parallel session on 6 October 2022 that is organised and sponsored jointly with ACEIR in collaboration with the World Income Inequality Database (WIID) project. This “Measuring and understanding African inequality” session will discuss the levels and trends of inequality in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa with presentations by a member from each ACEIR research node in these countries. The session will be chaired by ACEIR’s director, Prof. Murray Leibbrandt, and co-chaired by Dr Carlos Gradín from UNU-WIDER.
Speakers from the ACEIR country teams are Dr Monica Lambon-Quayefio (University of Ghana); Dr Moses Muriithi (University of Nairobi), and Dr Takwanisa Machemedze (DataFirst, University of Cape Town).
On the first day of the conference, a discussion on inequalities in the labour market is chaired by Prof. Leibbrandt in his capacity as a member of the executive committee of that session’s co-organiser, the International Economic Association. On the same day, at the African Economic Research Consortium’s co-hosted session on “Growth, poverty and inequality relationships in Africa”, ACEIR researcher Prof. Germano Mwabu (University of Nairobi) presents.
“Social and ecological sustainability” is the title of a session organised and sponsored jointly with European Union – Agence Française de Développement (EU-AFD) Research Facility on Inequalities, one of ACEIR’s key partners. Prof. Leibbrandt is one of the speakers at this session on the last day of the conference.
The keynotes and policy event are livestreamed and recordings of the parallel sessions will be available on UNU-WIDER's YouTube channel after the conference.
See the conference website for more details.