Funding opportunity for early career researchers: ARUA Climate Change and Inequalities Symposium, March 2023

The Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action (TSITICA) project is partnering with the Population, Inequality and Climate Change Scientific Panel of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population for next year’s research symposium on climate change and inequality. This includes hosting a high-level policy forum, a paper presentation session for early career researchers (ECRs), and an ECR poster session as part of the symposium.
The high-level policy forum will provide a platform to generate discussion on current global climate challenges and important linkages with economic inequality and development.
Seasoned economic actors, climate change experts and policymakers will be invited to share their perspectives and experiences on these issues from different development contexts.
We are inviting submissions from early career researchers (i.e., PhD + no more than 10 years of research experience) who are contributing significantly to scholarship on poverty, inequality, and climate change. A virtual poster session will also be organised to highlight relevant work of other ECRs around the world, with an award for the adjudged best poster.
The ARUA research symposium will create spaces for innovative, transdisciplinary exchange to facilitate novel networks and collaborations between early and mid-career researchers, senior scholars, and practitioners in understanding the relationships between these major global societal challenges. Thirteen provisional themes have been identified for the symposium. Read more
Limited funding is available to support the participation costs (flights and accommodation) for five (5) ECR speakers at the symposium. The event will predominantly cater for in-person exchanges but will offer partial hybrid interfaces to include those who may not be able to travel.
Please submit an abstract (300 words) and a short CV (2 pages) no later than 15 November 2022. Indicate if you intend to present a paper, oral or poster. Please email your submission in a single PDF file and any questions you may have to
TSITICA is a joint project of two ARUA centres of excellence – for Inequality Research (ACEIR), and the ARUA Centre of Excellence on Climate and Development (ARUA-CD). The support of ARUA and UK Research and Innovation is gratefully acknowledged.