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University of Cape Town
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About us
The ACEIR model
ACEIR nodes
Ghana node
Kenya node
South Africa node
Data scholarship
ACEIR members
ACEIR affiliates
Poverty and growth; poverty and inequality
African inequality diagnostics
Measuring multidimensional poverty in Kenya across time and space
Assessing different methods of poverty measurement in Kenya
Taxation and social spending on inequality and poverty
Impact of the Maputo Protocol on gender rights in Africa
A review of inequality in sub-Saharan Africa
Drivers of inequality
Spatial inequality
Labour markets and inequalities
Wealth and inequalities
Social mobility and inequalities
Social mobility from the middle to the top
Climate change and inequality
Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action (TSITICA)
Capacity building
ACEIR research reports & policy briefs
ACEIR working papers
Reports on ACEIR policy engagements
ACEIR research resources
Journal articles
Book chapters
Research papers & research notes
Working, discussion & conference papers
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